Five Reasons Why You Need Video In Your Marketing Plans

by Neil Perry and Bill Goldsmith

A recent study of more than 1,000 creative and digital marketing decision makers revealed that 76% of respondents had video marketing as their top priority for 2019 – 2020. (Mondo, Aug. 21, 2019).

I couldn’t agree more. When I speak with clients, I point out five reasons why video is important to their business.

  1. We learn better from video. Visuals and sounds stimulate interest, and interest stimulates learning and retention.
  • Video adds credibility. Having a video proves that you’ve invested time and money into your service. It shows your serious.
  • Video increases conversions. Websites with video had conversion rates averaging 4.8% while websites without video converted at only 2.9% – Aberdeen Group study
  • Video can be shared. With a video representing your company, every one of your potential clients’ social media profiles becomes a potential vehicle for advertising.
  • Video improves SEO. Having video on your site increases your Page Rank, thus improving your ranking on Google and on YouTube.  

Whether you plan on using video for outbound marketing, or to inform your customers at the point of contact (your website), video is increasingly important towards making a sale, or as we like to project, a lot of sales!

Neil Perry Associates is based in Philadelphia and specializes in Explainer videos. To learn more and to see a sampling of our work, visit our website at

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Picture of a person holding a camera filming a production

Our commitment to each client is to ensure that they can communicate their Brand Story and Brand Value proposition effectively to their clients and prospects through our video storytelling. 

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Five Reasons Why You Need Video In Your Marketing Plans

A recent study of more than 1,000 creative and digital marketing decision makers revealed that 76% of respondents...

Ten reasons why you need video

Lisa Video

Five Reasons Why You Need Video In Your Marketing Plans

A recent study of more than 1,000 creative and digital marketing decision makers revealed that 76% of respondents...